
Showing posts from March, 2012

New Dehli but actually Gurgaon

Here on a workshop at the scottish High School which is a very odd school, set in an equally unusual satellite city of New Delhi. Old Indian men in strange gurkah style silver and tartan outfits greet us each morning along with a horrible bagpipe chorus of something that was once Scots, and a rendition of torture the playing of Auld Lang Syne...that sounds like Old Lung Sighing ..on a keyboard by a solo player with a over reverb microphone...what is this place. It is like the underworld's version of Hogwarts. Ladies in saris usher us into hallowed halls that resound with the PA's tinny bursts of someone's idea of classic pop songs, so we can gather to be refreshed before we sit in over heated, or over chilled darkened rooms to learn about our subject ares.. it does seem a little ironic perhaps that we are being inculcated with the latest in holistic learning approaches while housed in an example of the worst learning environments, and being presented informa...

The boat that rocked

LOMBOK February 18th I set out to spend a last weekend before Uni started by joining Britta and her Bluewater Cruises on her birthday cruise called "The Boat That Rocked". Slated to be a fun filled all night party I was concerned I may not have the stamina to last til dawn. I did not expect however to fall asleep at sunset only to wake fifteen minutes after the music had ceased at six am...It was a stunning trip, the boat that rocked me to sleep... It was all beautiful and best represented by the photos I took whilst awake.