Back to life, back to reality...or is it?
2012 began at the airport in Denpasar being told I was not permitted to board a plane to Australia, I lacked the relevant visa. Calmly I explained this had all be sorted out on the Friday and the airline, and embassy, had agreed that my 'in process' status would be sufficient. I was then made to repeat the entire scenario again, not just repetitive but challenging as this was New Year's Day at 8 am.... Before too long, thankfully a very cross sounding man in Canberra gave me an ETA, which I think is an emergency/express travel authority and I was able to board the plane. Still nervous I would be turned back at the gate or worse it was with relief that I took back my passport at Darwin Immigration and was allowed to enter the country I had for many years considered my home, seems they do not think the same. After a run into the supermarket I boarded a ferry to Mandorah, which, and I repeat as it was oft repeated to me, is NOT an island. It is just quicker to cross the wate...