I'm tripping out again
I have really been tripping out recently, so much so that I have not posted pictures of the rest of the Taj Mahal, or the trip to Europe, or the trip to Singapore to meet the girls, or even the trip to Jakarta, but that was a school trip so may not feature here. And as the holidays approach I am off again on a second trip to Jakarta, a trip to Thailand and then a very interesting adventure in Java and Sumatra.
I will get to the photographs and get up to date as this blog serves me well given the amount of computer crashes , the two thefts and a malfunctioning motherboard have all disrupted my logical and sequential digitalizing of my images. And while I am not tripping out I like to look at where I tripped out, those spaces between school and study that sometimes find me restful and wandering in the delightful memories of places, things and people, tastes, smells and sounds that make up the recall of a moment of life.
Could the top ten favorite memories of one person give rise to a collection of stories perhaps...
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