Nights and Days

The first day trek ended at a campsite by the river, the food prepared for our evening meal was amazing. Fresh jungle ferns and tropical fruits as well as chicken and fish..Cool. Best of all, not only was the only female I was the only non-Indonesian so when the sun went down and we ate our dinner the guitar came out and there was music under the stars. The next day I was happy to see that no one is in a hurry, things are under taken at a leisurely pace, breakfast was eaten, icy cold pools were swum in and we got to play around with face paints for a proposed photograph to accompany the story being written about our search for the last Sumatran Tiger. Two other people showed up and were curious as to why there was a man in tiger face paint crawling along the tree trunks so we chatted to them for a while before finishing the photos and making preparations for the next day's trek. Again it was well paced and at our first incline rest I sat slightly apart from the others and wa...