Tripping Out in India

It was on a whim I decided to visit Cushla in New Delhi and travel with her to Rajasthan. The ticket on Air Asia was just above 400US$ and although I forgot a number of crucial things, like the visa cost $100US and that the Commonwealth Games were on it seemed liked a good thing to do in the one week mid term break.
I hadn't been to Delhi in over twenty years and any return to India was always going to be a bit of an emotional step into the heart of my past, so to find Delhi , in the midst of the Commonwealth Games, empty of major traffic, clean and , dare I say almost orderly was something of a shock!
But it was ok, underneath the facade lies the typical chaos, things look good, but they don't really work and that feels more like home to me.
Based in Cushla's beautiful airy apartment in Nizamuddin East and with a plan to drive out to Rajasthan this afternoon, I can enjoy the sensation of being again in this wonderfully confronting and beautiful country where even a trip to the local shop is an opportunity for fascination.
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