More Muay Thai

Muay Thai is skillful and fast, it brings adrenaline to the body and by my second session I was feeling like I had grasped some basic positions and some understanding and although I lacked either real stamina or skill I was having a very good time. I learned a lot by watching others and translating what I saw into my own practice and got a pretty balanced swing kick happening by the end of day three. My trainer stopped calling me 'ol' and for some reason thought it was very funny instead to call me "ha sip" which means fifty. It stopped mattering to me as I developed a strange syndrome over the four days which does not bode well for any future situation where I am taken captive. The derision of my inadequacies, my fumbling left and rights mostly made me so frustrated I wanted really badly to do better and took the 'punishment' as some form of inspiration that made me work harder and harder. When my trainer told me to rest I refused, when he said I was lazy I punched harder and when he said, less frequently "You ol'" I really thought I wanted to hurt him. I got in the ring as well and with body padding I looked quite like a Ninja Turtle and nothing like Angelina Jolie in Beyond Borders where she stomps Clive Owen in Cambodia in front of a Khmer military chief, winning the military chiefs approval and Clive , or Dr Nick's undying but profanity laden admiration. I wanted this I wanted to beat the crap out of everyone who had done me wrong in love and it felt amazing..there were so many of them too that in the end I found it very funny and so liberating. I wrote about it for I-Magazine when I returned to Bali. I was addicted to the raw power I discovered, and so much so that when the next Air Asia sale came around I booked a month in Bangkok..whether I will spend the whole month there is yet unconfirmed but I will be at Chacrit whenever I can.


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