In the care of the travel gods

Portugal from the air

Lisbon coastline from the air

Lisbon City from the air

..and from the street.

An adventure starts with just one step, and mine was a less than ideal step but with life affirming results.. the lesson learned is don't take travel sickness tablets until you know your flight is about to board!
I fell asleep in the waiting lounge as the plane was delayed by an hour..woke up drowsy and boarded the flight leaving my dollars, euros, second passport and flight information behind, something I did not become aware of until I landed in KL. Thankfully the incredibly helpful Air Asia staff contacted the airport in Denpasar, the wallet had already been retrieved and put away safely and all was well.
The flight on Air Asia from KL to Paris was smooth and easy, leg room no issue, it was so fine,my arrival in Paris was lovely and I went straight to a 'chocolat chaud et un criossant', and found out "WHY FYE" in French is "Whi ffi" before boarding a TAP flight to Lisbon. TAP food is really good, Portuguese bread rolls with olives, zucchini and melted cheese.
And thirty hours after departing Bali I was in an apartment in the center of Lisbon preparing to go out onto the streets for the annual St Anthony Day festival of sardines and alcohol...


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