Advance Australia Fair Dinkum

Jeez, guys doncha reckon you'd give it a break f' jus' one minute...I mean I luvs ya an all that, but d'ya really think the whole flamin' world needs to hear about ya bowels, ya vomiting and ya teeth dinner time..and then to go on about the Crows, I nearly hadta say some think ..and what with nana and her makin' mum feel like she's gotta go on a diet, and the boys up all night, and dad readin' the menu aloud like the-resta thems all illiterate..well i tell youse what it made me bloody home sick I tell ya it did!

I jus' wan-ned to pull up a chair and get in on the act, tell ya about Barlow's bloody broken leg and have yous all tellin' me about how you mum's gonna the Cold Chisel Panel van show and about Jack Johnson and stuff.. yep farkin home sick you made me.

Yet all the while I sat eating and quietly not reading a book , enjoying the apple wine and beef stew wondering how it is that the Australian accent in its broadest, warmest form is so pervasive, so louder than anything else in the just gets out there and batters around like a gale in a big jovial rush, cutting corners, adding haitches and being brassier than Julia Gillard's hair..bloody brilliant.


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