Monday Monday..

But hardly manic, with a beautiful day planned of leafy streets and breezes off the lake and a final good bye to Hanoi.

I went out for breakfast at Restaurant Five, highly recommended in everything, and rightly so, I watched the world go by and bathed in sensation of having completion..tripping out alone is very miss a few things, like going into bars and having midnight adventures, but you also gain things, like a sense of complete freedom and ability to follow random or instinctual whims.

My waitress at Five was lovely, and when she gave me the bill it had, as you often see, the name of the waitress noted on it, the dear girl was called Miss Bich,what a great name!

And I like the street names, Hang Be, Hang Bac, Hang Boum, I could get used to them. Hang Be is a great street with good cafes and a leafy aspect yet so many streets in the Old Quarter are like this, evocative, full of a grimy charm and gritty reality with a whole swathe of romance in the air..

Street life on Hang Be


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