Tripping Out with two days to go...
I have two more days in this wonderful country before heading back to Bali via a night in KL and meeting Kepsibel..It is going to be a little sad to leave this traveling cocoon I have created for myself. Self directed, self disciplined, self-regulated, self-raising and self absorbed!
Despite my trepidation at traveling alone, I find I have really enjoyed it, thoroughly enjoyed it and amused myself by being by myself..and observing how annoyed I get with myself at times too, and with no one else to be annoyed with I just annoy myself..
Why can I NEVER find anything in my bag?
Why I give myself such a hard time about things that really don't matter?
Why do I pack clothes to wear and then decide I don't like them?
Why even though I check before leaving do I think I have left something in the cab?
but on the other hand..
I get to be nocturnal when I want , an early riser when I want, eat when I want, never stop walking:
Take pleasure in the unusual for no reason..turn down roads for no to strangers as I wish and read whenever the mood strikes's a pretty enjoyable state to be in.
I got to meet some fantastic people and made at least two new friends, I expect both Claire and Lilli to be in my world again and to see Cedric and Gabrielle in Bali, I am not sure what will happen to Jenny and her love life though..
With Skype and facebook and email I didn't really leave the world behind anywhere..just took a different approach to it..and kept my commitments to my study and so on, had conversations with my friends on Skype and facebook chat..spoke to my girls on Skype and saw their cold faces smiling at me!

I can answer to the call of the streets when they beckon me out into their playgrounds of people...the fascinating glimpses into other worlds and other lives, and yet also show me how much the same we all are from the little sister taking away her brothers toy just to frustrate him and the couple arguing about the map to the joy of a shared moment of love and the ability to find laughter and happiness in the ordinary events that occur each day...that we have all lost something and found something, and that the love of soccer is universal!

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