Martial Arts Massage and Women who are Wolves
Xoa Bop is a Red Dzou massage technique that I thought I would try..and I have now discovered the secret to the Dzou toughness..ouch..first your face is stretched, maybe that is why they have no wrinkles and then your body is pounded, jumped on, stretched, pounded and then in an amazing technique your flesh is grabbed between the thumb and forefinger of one hand and punched down by the other..
Instead of the relaxing massage I was dreaming of... those loving, gentle Bali massages by running water in private bales ...I felt like I was being attacked by a ninja with smelly feet as the young girl jumped on my back, pulled my arms and my hair and yanked me backwards with her knee in the back of my ribs..and I wasn't meant to fight back?
I kept my breathing regular, thought a lot about serenity and fought the urge to snap up and say "Stop beating me up!" My acceptance made me think of Fight Club..and how it was him all the time..this was similar, I was paying to be beaten and it is not my thing at all....
Still I survived, and afterward found myself 'downtown' as the tour buses came to collect the day trekkers. I am so grateful for this morning's party, covered in bright friendship bracelets I realised I was under some form of protection. Each one is like a receipt attesting to the fact you have bought from some one, and because I am literally dripping in them I was pretty much safe from the marauding packs of younger Hmong who terrorize the people getting on the buses.. They are truly wild, their English is heavy , like gangster English, they mock and mimic those who try to escape them, they gesticulate and poke tongues, they run around in a dervish like whirl of teenage girl frenzy accosting everyone with in reach to "Buy from me" "Buy from me"
I took shelter in a cafe, just to observe the scene, which I think cannot be good for tourism..good for cafes maybe, but eventually people will resist that type of made the women on Double Six beach look like staff from Fortnum and Mason's!
Getting into formation

"OK listen up when they approach, you with the baby take the rear, catch the ones who try to divert, the rest of you fan out and capture..."

"And go...."
Instead of the relaxing massage I was dreaming of... those loving, gentle Bali massages by running water in private bales ...I felt like I was being attacked by a ninja with smelly feet as the young girl jumped on my back, pulled my arms and my hair and yanked me backwards with her knee in the back of my ribs..and I wasn't meant to fight back?
I kept my breathing regular, thought a lot about serenity and fought the urge to snap up and say "Stop beating me up!" My acceptance made me think of Fight Club..and how it was him all the time..this was similar, I was paying to be beaten and it is not my thing at all....
Still I survived, and afterward found myself 'downtown' as the tour buses came to collect the day trekkers. I am so grateful for this morning's party, covered in bright friendship bracelets I realised I was under some form of protection. Each one is like a receipt attesting to the fact you have bought from some one, and because I am literally dripping in them I was pretty much safe from the marauding packs of younger Hmong who terrorize the people getting on the buses.. They are truly wild, their English is heavy , like gangster English, they mock and mimic those who try to escape them, they gesticulate and poke tongues, they run around in a dervish like whirl of teenage girl frenzy accosting everyone with in reach to "Buy from me" "Buy from me"
I took shelter in a cafe, just to observe the scene, which I think cannot be good for tourism..good for cafes maybe, but eventually people will resist that type of made the women on Double Six beach look like staff from Fortnum and Mason's!
Getting into formation
"OK listen up when they approach, you with the baby take the rear, catch the ones who try to divert, the rest of you fan out and capture..."
"And go...."
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