My Green Tangerine and Twilight
After dripping through the markets and little lanes ways of Sunday Old Quarter in the heat and narrowly missing walking into the most giant Rolls Royce coming down Hang Boum Street I found myself laden with 'stuff' and feeling hungry. I checked the parcels back into the Hotel and wandered to Hang Be to find the Green Tangerine again.
I passed the headstones shop..not not a shop for heads or stoners but a real head stone for dead people shop, and was a little alarmed to see a head stone with a picture of Britney Spears in its centre..a little premature one hopes. Despite her troubles she seems not yet worthy of a head stone plaque.
I entered The Green Tangerine and was immediately soothed, it was two and I had been up and about in the heat of the day with only one break getting the Christmas shopping to sit in the pale greenery of the dining room and just feel like time could dissolve was wonderful..
This day I chose a duck confit and salad with grapefruit and a raspberry vinegar..tender strands of duck flesh interwoven with a crisp bed of lettuce, arranged on sliced tomatoes and drizzled with a raspberry, red fruit dressing.
Heavenly I am going to learn to cook duck. This was followed by an interesting choice, I ordered a salmon and sea bass dish with a vegetable gratin and tamarind jus..the gratin was a perfect combination of firm and soft vegetables with a lacing of cheesy sauce..and the fish, well it was in a sausage..sort of amazing, but I do think I prefer my fish, fish like, the flavour was fantastic and permeated the slightly odd sensation of the sausage texture which, while very sausage like, was, to my palette, not suited to the fish..however minor moments aside the taste combination was superb, and teamed with a glass of French Chardonnay served to transcend Sunday into a day of gastronomic delight..I wanted to sms my chef friends and describe the sensations but thought the better of it, I'll wait till I get back to Bali and then maybe they can help me recreate the dishes.
Following this reverie I headed over to Vin Com Plaza to meet Jenny, love life looking a little less confusing, and we took our seats to watch Eclipse..a snowy escapade set in Alaska with a linear plot, minimal character development, zero believability and thoroughly enjoyable.
I have only one issue with the story, which followed archetype for a number of standard myths, and this is not a particular fault of Eclipse but many movies of its genre.
Bella at the end says she never did fit in to 'normal' life and had to make choices based on who SHE was, this is who I am, she says..but here is my issue..who IS normal, and why are we still today creating situations for teens , who then become adults, who feel they do not fit in..No one fits in..there is nothing to fit in to..just a bunch of regulations to follow, games to play and some winners and some losers..but no one feels one is normal, there is no 'normal' human being, each one is complex and a product of so many individual factors that while we may often act in similar ways, feel similar emotions each one of us has a unique core that enables, prevents, allows, restricts, encourages, deters and ultimately shapes the unique person and who we were, are and can become.
"Who would you choose?"

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