And now it really is goodbye..
The evening with Lilli could not have been finer, she is an excellent cook, serves a beautiful meal with delicious wine and is a great host..she inspired me, as did her home and her kitchen implements! The next morning I was off at six am through the already bustling streets in a taxi to the airport. Check in was fine, plane arrived on time, sat next to a lovely man, a teacher from Belgium, who made me focus less on the stress of the connecting flight..which despite the luggage taking ages and getting into a bit of panic I made in plenty of time. Bella exhausted and happy was there too and we boarded our flight, as planned all along, to return to Bali after our individual adventures. We were headed straight for the taxi booth when the open arms of Stuart embraced us both and before we knew what was happening we were being chaperoned out of the chaos of the airport, into his car and off to dinner at Kaizan! A fine welcome home indeed, only to be almost matched by the sheer excitement of...